Cellulose – Summer Item #18


Cellulose is the most common organic compound on earth. It is a polysaccharide made of several chains of glucose monomers. Cellulose is what builds very strong plant cell walls and makes plant fibers and stems so strong. We can see this in the thin stem shown above that is holding up dozens of leaves.

List #23

Conifer Leaf – Summer Item #17


Conifer leaves are those of coniferous plants and trees, which unlike deciduous trees do not lose their leaves annually. Conifer leaves are generally firm and scalelike, and generally remain green year round. Shown above are leaves of a coniferous cedar tree in the grand forest.

List #28

Woody Stem – Summer Item #12


A woody stem is a stem or trunk that is hard and firm compared to a herbaceous stem, which is soft and flexible. Woody stems tend to last much longer and prove to be more durable than herbacous stems, and generally do not regrow annually. The best example of a woody stem is a tree trunk, akin to the cedar trunk pictured above.

List #103