Genetically Modified Organism – Summer Item #24


A genetically modified organism, or GMO, is any organism that has had its genetic code tampered with or altered by people with modern technology. GMO’s are useful for producing large quantities of food and other goods as they can be configured to provide higher crop yields, resist pesticides or have other favorable traits. The Doritos featured above are one such product that includes these modified crops.

List #53

Amniotic Egg – Summer Item #23


An amniotic egg is the egg of an amniote, a clade of tetrapod vertebrates that includes mammals, birds and reptiles. These eggs are either laid on dry land (like a bird’s nest) or stay within the mother after being fertilized (like a human). Above we see the eggs of chickens, a type of bird amniote.

List #5

Adaptation of a Plant (Berries) – Summer Item #22


Dispersing ones child seeds is always a challenge for a stationary plant. One way to overcome this is to develop adaptions to hijack animal’s freedom of movement as this Huckleberry bush has done. The Huckleberry grows berries around its seeds, which are just the right size for birds to snack on. The birds then fly to another location while digesting the berries and poop out the indigestible seeds at the new site. In this way the birds and the bushes have developed a symbiotic relationship where the bushes feed the birds and the birds spread the bushes.

List #2

Cellulose – Summer Item #18


Cellulose is the most common organic compound on earth. It is a polysaccharide made of several chains of glucose monomers. Cellulose is what builds very strong plant cell walls and makes plant fibers and stems so strong. We can see this in the thin stem shown above that is holding up dozens of leaves.

List #23

Insect – Summer Item #15

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Insects are a class of invertebrates within the arthopod phylum. Insects have six legs, an exoskeleton, a three part segmented body, two head antennae and very often one or two pairs of wings. Insects are extremely plentiful on earth, with over 10 quintillion individuals alive at any given time and over 925,000 species having been identified. Accordingly, insects are diverse and come in all shapes, sizes and behaviors. Above we can see several ants forming a trail near their colony.

List #60