Amniotic Egg – Summer Item #23


An amniotic egg is the egg of an amniote, a clade of tetrapod vertebrates that includes mammals, birds and reptiles. These eggs are either laid on dry land (like a bird’s nest) or stay within the mother after being fertilized (like a human). Above we see the eggs of chickens, a type of bird amniote.

List #5

Adaptation of a Plant (Berries) – Summer Item #22


Dispersing ones child seeds is always a challenge for a stationary plant. One way to overcome this is to develop adaptions to hijack animal’s freedom of movement as this Huckleberry bush has done. The Huckleberry grows berries around its seeds, which are just the right size for birds to snack on. The birds then fly to another location while digesting the berries and poop out the indigestible seeds at the new site. In this way the birds and the bushes have developed a symbiotic relationship where the bushes feed the birds and the birds spread the bushes.

List #2

Pollen – Summer Item #11


Pollen is to a plant as sperm is to a mammal. Pollen is made up of microscopic grains that each carry a male gamete and are capable of fertilizing a plant’s female ovule. It is usually a yellow or orangish powder and is produced and released from a flower’s male cone, and relies on the wind and contact with insects for transport. Above we can see several flowers containing yellow pollen towards their centers.

List #88

Pollinator – Summer Item #9


A Pollinator is a bug or animal that (willingly or not) moves pollen around a flower and between plants. This movement of pollen, or pollination, allows many plants to reproduce, flower, and bear fruit. Bees, like the one pictured in the flower above, are the best pollinators as they source their food from inside flowers and so spend a lot of time brushing up against them and pollen. Butterflies and hummingbirds also make great pollinators for the same reasons.

List #89

Spore – Summer Item #2

IMG_2403.jpgA Spore is usually a small single-celled reproductive unit capable of growing into an adult individual independently, similar to a seed. In this photo we see clumps of orange fern spores on the underside of a sword fern. For scale the blue footed booby is about 1.5 inches tall.

List #100